When it comes to Digital Marketing, the number of possible options has simply exploded! Now, what I mean by Digital Marketing influencers is not those overseas call centres who tell you that you're not on Page 1 of Google and, if you send them a small amount of money, they will fix that...and then, after paying, they disappear! No, I am referring to influencers who have a track record of success in the field of Digital Marketing. So, with no further ado, who has really lit the field alight, and is expected to do so in 2022?
Neil Patel - Via The QuickSprout Blog
When it comes to Digital Marketers who influence the most, Neil Patel deserves your consideration.
With a tremendous fan base, and recommendations from sources such as the The Wall Street Journal, Neil has a proven track record.
One of my personal reasons for recommending him, are the number of tools that you can try, and use effectively, to get your business ranking in no time.
I have mentioned the QuickSprout Blog, however, you may wish to use the tools provided at NeilPatel.com too.
Rand Fishkin - The Moz Blog
Anyone who is anyone knows Moz! We mentioned earlier that Neil Patel has a great number of tools that your business can use to grow, Moz is even better!
What does this have to do with Rand? Well, he the founder and former head of this Marketing mega house, and his influence has not waned over recent times. We predict that he is still hungry for success, and will continue to be an effective influencer for the foreseeable future.
To see some of Rand's more recent work, why not pay a visit to Whiteboard Friday over at Moz?
Danny Sullivan - Search Engine Land
Some may be surprised that Danny makes our list given that he has been around for so long. However, his longevity is precisely the reason why he makes the list.
Danny Sullivan has not been effective, he continues to be so. As such, he will continue to be a top influencer in 2022 according to our predictions.
To list all that Sullivan has done would be an article in itself. Suffice to say that he has been, and is still being, one of the top influencers in the field of Digital Marketing.
Barry Schwartz - Search Engine Roundtable
Barry is editor of two very influential sites: Seroundtable, and news editor of Search Engine Land.
You don't get to wear as many hats as Barry Schwartz does if you are just bluffing! Barry is a top influencer, and is a hot pick for the coming 12 months too.
And, frankly, those annoying Google algorithm updates that we all hate? Barry Schwartz is hot on the pulse of these, so when you need to know how Google's latest tweaks will affect your rankings...Barry will often get it to you first. So, based on that, Barry Schwartz is your go to guy for bad news...or good!
Follow what Barry says by following him on Twitter.
Larry Kim - Founder of WordStream
Larry Kim is another proven performer in the field of Digital Marketing Influencing.
I have listed above his role in getting Wordstream up and running. However, in truth, Larry is another multi hat wearing guru. In addition to his efforts at Wordstream, Larry Kim is also CEO of MobileMonkey, and also the writer of 4 Award Winning Books!
As with most of the influencers listed here, Larry Kim is both established, innovative, and relevant. As such, Larry Kim will continue to have a heavy influence on Digital Marketing over the coming year or two.
Influencers are everywhere. Although most often known for Social Media platforms such as Instagram etc, influencers have become established right through the commercial world. There is good reason for this. Their success, both in the past, and for the future, can often get us insights into how to cut enough corners to get our own businesses considered relevant...in the least amount of time.
And, despite the fact that we can't tell the future. After all, anything could happen to these influencers, they have established a legacy through their entities, that will continue to benefit new business owners and developers for years to come.
We, at the blog here, hope that you will consider these Digital Marketing Influencers for what they are: Top tools for effectively marketing your business on the web!
We hope you have every success as we approach..and enter 2022!
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